Explore the origins of back trouble caused by poor sitting posture, and how the problem can be alleviated by saddle-sitting. 30 pages.


Mary Gale, the occupational therapist who designed the Bambach Saddle Seat, explains in clear and simple language, aided by many illustrations, the health benefits of saddle sitting.
  • Emphasis on the prevention and alleviation of low back pain
  • Informative chapters on problems with school furniture, the problem with flat seats, back problems in general, and work-surface heights.
  • Geared toward applications of the Bambach Saddle Seat for able-bodied adults and children.
  • 30 pages.


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The Seated Spine & the Bambach Saddle Seat
Brand: Bambach Saddle Seat
Item #: 999
Our Price: $12.00